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Effortless Web Scraping With Cloudflare Workers

Created: Jun 08, 2023 – Last Updated: Jun 08, 2023

Tags: General

Digital Garden

Some time ago I had the need to grab information from a website to display some visitor numbers onto a widget powered by Scriptable (opens in a new tab). Unfortunately, that website didn’t have an API for its numbers, it only displayed it in a table on the website. This is where a web scraper is needed.

There are endless ways and articles about web scrapers, so I want to share a little tool I used for that job. I do like it because: It’s easy to use, fast, and free. All you need is an account at Cloudflare (opens in a new tab).

The tool I want to highlight is (opens in a new tab) by Adam Schwartz (opens in a new tab). Give it a URL and a CSS selector and you’re done! If the website ever goes down, you can grab the code on GitHub (opens in a new tab) and host it yourself.

If for example you’d use the URL and the CSS selector h1 you’d get the result:

"result": {
"h1": ["Example Domain"]

You can also generate a permalink to it:

I’m now using such a permalink as my API for those website numbers. I find using Cloudflare Workers for web scraping to be quite approachable and Adam’s tool makes it even easier.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering how I use the table data, here’s a small code playground to show it:

Parsing data from Web Scraper
const incoming = "Name Max Current PlaceA 144 51 PlaceB 50 25 PlaceC 200 130"

function chunk(arr: Array<string>, size = 3): Array<Array<string>> {
  const bulks: Array<Array<string>> = []
  for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(arr.length / size); i++) {
    bulks.push(arr.slice(i * size, (i + 1) * size))
  return bulks

function parseString(input: string, size = 3): ParseStringResponse {
  const arr = input.split(" ")
  const columns = arr.slice(0, size).map((i) => ({ heading: i, property: i.toLowerCase() }))
  const rawData = arr.slice(size, arr.length)
  const chunkedData = chunk(rawData)
  const data = => ({
    name: item[0],
    max: item[1],
    current: item[2],

  return { columns, data }

export const output = parseString(incoming)

type ParseStringResponse = {
  columns: Array<{
    heading: string
    property: string
  data: Array<{
    name: string
    max: string
    current: string


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